Investigating Biology through Inquiry


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Investigating Biology through Inquiry will help you integrate inquiry into your existing biology curriculum, whether you teach high school, AP Biology, IB Biology, or at the college level. This lab book provides many possible researchable questions for your students to investigate.

A cover of a publication about Investigating Biology Through Inquiry


Investigating Biology through Inquiry contains investigations for many fundamental concepts in biology. Each investigation includes a preliminary activity, instructor information, sample researchable questions, and sample data. Additionally, the investigations are correlated to AP* and IB** standards. Topics covered include:

  • Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Organismal Biology
  • Ecology
  • Evolution

If you are new to inquiry-based instruction, the extensive Instructor Information sections that accompany each investigation will help guide you through the inquiry-based style of biology instruction. This book will help you integrate the recommendations of the AAAS “Vision and Change in Biology Undergraduate Education” initiative in your college course.

What’s Included

Electronic Version

  • 22 ready-to-use student preliminary activities
  • Access to up-to-date versions of the experiments
  • Open- and guided-inquiry versions of all preliminary activities
  • Essential instructor information including teaching tips, instructions for preparing solutions, suggested answers, and sample data and graphs
  • Word-processing files of the student investigations, so you can edit the files to match your teaching preferences
  • Complete equipment and supplies list
  • A generous site license¬—buy one book and duplicate the experiments for your class

Printed Lab Book
When you buy the printed lab book you receive all of the resources listed for the electronic version, plus a printed copy of the book.

Table of Contents
Experiment Suggested Products
1 Buffer Investigations Go Direct® pH Sensor
2 Diffusion Go Direct® Conductivity Probe
3 Investigating Osmosis Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
4 Chemistry of Membranes Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
5 Investigating Protein Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
6A Testing Catalase Activity (O2 Gas Sensor) Go Direct® O2 Gas Sensor
6B Testing Catalase Activity (Gas Pressure) Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
6C Testing Enzyme Activity (Spectrometer) Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
7 Introduction to Biofuels: Enzyme Action Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
8 Analysis of Enzymes using Tyrosinase Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
9 Cellular Respiration Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor
10A Sugar Metabolism with Yeast (Carbon Dioxide Gas) Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor, Go Direct® Temperature Probe
10B Sugar Metabolism with Yeast (Ethanol) Go Direct® Ethanol Vapor
11 Fermentation with Yeast Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
12 Photosynthesis by Chloroplasts Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
13 Transpiration of Plants Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
14 Plant Pigments Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
15 Heart Rate Go Wireless® Heart Rate
16 Investigating Dissolved Oxygen Go Direct® Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe
17 Investigating Primary Productivity Go Direct® Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe
18 Modeling Population Dynamics No probeware used
19 Water Monitoring Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Conductivity Probe, Go Direct® Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe
20 Evolution of Cellobiase in Fungi Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
21 Introduction to Molecular Evolution
22 Evolution of Yeast Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor


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Book Type

Print and E-Book, E-Book

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