
A red lego logo with yellow and black lettering.
A toy tricycle with wheels and handles attached to it.

Primary School STEAM

LEGO® Education solutions link STEAM instruction to real-world experiences in an intuitive and fun way. Students engage in engineering, data analysis, and communication, developing skills like critical thinking and collaboration.

Secondary STEAM Skills

LEGO® Education solutions grow with students building confidence in STEAM skills like coding, robotics, and computer science. Simultaneously, they foster 21st century skills like collaboration and critical thinking.

School Outfitters offers robotics kits from seven different companies that range in price from less than $100 to $2,500

A green banner with the words school matters written in black.
A blue and black logo for the pro advant

Many teachers are looking for innovative pedagogical tools to boost their classroom practices and enable students to understand science or mathematics in a more concrete way. This is how educational robots have been pushing the doors of classrooms for several years now to support students of all ages in the discovery of programming and robotics. Fun, easy to learn and customizable, educational robots make it possible to meet students' needs and address many notions of official programs. They can become undeniable assets for schools and that is why you will discover here a presentation of the main educational robots available on Robot Advance and adapted to kindergarten, elementary school or college classes.

A Boise, Idaho, based team of passionate people who search daily for the finest STEM products and services to STEMulate the immersive educational experience in our @school, our @homes and @afterschool learning communities.

A logo of infinit energy engineering