Free Mathematics Technology Sites
Desmos Studio is a Public Benefit Corporation with a goal of helping everyone learn math, love math, and grow with math. We believe that everyone has an inner mathematician and that some people haven’t been given the opportunity, encouragement, or tools to discover theirs. So we prioritize equity and accessibility at every level of our work.
Our free suite of math tools, including our Graphing Calculator, is used annually by over 75 million people around the world. Those tools help people represent their ideas mathematically, connect different representations dynamically, make conjectures, and then develop entirely new ideas. They also result in some pretty spectacular art.
Desmos makes available a free web-based graphing calculator as well as digital activities for grades 6-12.
The graphing calculator offers many of the functions available on the TI graphing calculators. Because you can display this easily in a classroom, it is a very useful way to look at the patterns in function graphs and learn the effects of parameter changes.
EquatIO is a tool for creating mathematical equations, formulas, Desmos graphs, and more on computers or Chromebooks. The product seeks to digitize mathematics by simple input methods. Teachers can type, handwrite, or dictate expressions to add the result to a document, and there is a large library full of premade expressions. In other words, it’s sort of a smart assistant that can replace pen and paper, as well as offer prediction capabilities. The product works with literacy software Read&Write (paid), which is helpful for blending accessibility and teaching math with technology. EquatIO is free for teachers. Paid licenses are available for other types of users and groups.

This is a collection of concept mapping software for iPads, iPhones and Mac computers. The objective to help students with cognitive development which helps them organize concepts in math and science. It includes a Reverse Polish Notation Calculator.

WZGrapher Function Grapher (
WZGrapher is an easy-to-use and small-footprinted Function Graphing and Calculation Program written in C language, with capabilities to plot both cartesian and polar functions. WZGrapher can also be used to graph numerical solution curves of integrals, to solve numerically and to graph ordinary differential equations up to the fifth order, and to calculate value tables (also of ODEs) including the first derivative values.