Earth Science Lessons

Suggested Middle School Order of Vernier Equipment

ITA suggests that you order sufficient items for the number of lab groups you use. The normal group size is 4 students. We suggest that group sizes of 3 is better with group sizes of two being optimal. A school should select as many of each item as they feel is necessary for their situation. Schools with content areas sharing a lab will be able to use some equipment for more than one course.

Many of these probes and sensors can also be used in Anatomy and Physiology as well as in Environmental Science.

Note: You will also need Graphical Analysis Software.
Note: Schools that Subscribe to the ITA Site qualify for special pricing on each item.
Non-USA orders for Vernier products must be submitted via [email protected]

Item Order Code Price

Basic Middle School Order

Middle School Go Direct PackageGDP-MS-DX$1,148.00
• Go Direct Motion DetectorGDX-MD$129.00
• Go Direct pH SensorGDX-PH$109.00
• Go Direct Voltage ProbeGDX-VOLT$95.00
• Go Direct Temperature Probe (2)GDX-TMP$79.00
• Go Direct Color and Light SensorGDX-LC$99.00
• Go Direct Force and Acceleration SensorGDX-FOR$119.00
• Go Direct Gas Pressure SensorGDX-GP$99.00
• Go Wireless Heart Rate GW-HR$99.00
• Go Direct Conductivity ProbeGDX-CON$129.00
• Go Direct 3-Axis Magnetic Field SensorGDX-3MG$99.00
• Go Direct Gas Pressure Sensor BulbGPS-BULB1$7.00

ITA also recommends the following:

Go Direct Charge StationGDX-CRG$89.00
Graphical Analysis Software Free DownloadSee
Graphical Analysis Pro SubscriptionSee
Go Direct Weather SystemGDX-WTVA$164.00
Kidwind Advanced Experiment PacksKW-AWXC$444.00
Wind Turbin Hub 10 packKW-WTH10$69.00
Blade Pitch ProtractorKW-BPP$4.00
Blade Design Consumable Class PackKW-BDC$169.00
Solar Energy Exploration KitKW-SEEK$89.00
Renewable Energy with Vernier-EREV-E$45.00
Book-Solar Energy Explorations-EMSB-SOLAR-E$24.00
Digital Microscope Imager, 5 MPBD-EDU-100$119.00
Ohaus Scout 220 g BalanceOHS-222$592.00
Venier Thermal Analysis AppSee

Vernier Products Useful in Lessons Not Found in Vernier Lesson Texts

Go Direct Surface TemperatureGDX-ST$99.00
Go Direct Flat pHGDX-FPH$139.00
Go Direct Optical Dissovled OxygenGDX-ODO$385.00
Go Direct Current SensorGDX-CUR$99.00
Go Direct Energy SensorGDX-NRG$99.00
Go Direct Sensor Cart-Yellow(Y) or Green (G)GDX-CART-?$205.00
Go Direct Spectrovis PlusGDX-SVISPL$479.00
Go Direct Spectrovis Plus Fiber Optic VSP-FIBER$79.00
Vernier Resistor BoardVES-RB$19.00

If you don't have computers in your lab, you can use the Vernier LabQuest 3 Selfcontained data collection unit. Look for a complete description on It can can also pass data from a probe or sensor to a computer. The LabQuest 3 is necessary to use BTA devices such as those below.
LabQuest 3 Data Collection InterfaceLABQ3$399.00
Relative HumidityRH-BTA$79.00
Salinity SensorSAL-BTA$149.00
UVA SensorUVA-BTA$118.00
UVB SensorUVB-BTA$119.00
Soil Moisture SensorSMS-BTA$139.00