NSTA Statements About STEM

“A wide range of technologies serve as tools to engage students with real-world problem solving, conceptual development, and critical thinking†          Quality Science Education and 21st Century Skills            Position Statement, NSTA STEM education programs should be grounded in the tenets of constructivism High-quality K–12 STEM education is an essential, relevant, and continual endeavor for all…

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STEM Education Teaching and Learning

Introduction Introduction The National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) strongly supports STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education that provides students with an interdisciplinary approach tolearning. STEM education makes learning “real†and gives students opportunities to see the connectionbetween the content they are studying and the application of that content in authentic and relevantways. STEM education…

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Building STEM Education
on a Sound Mathematical Foundation

A joint position statement on STEM from theNational Council of Supervisors of Mathematics and theNational Council of Teachers of Mathematics Our Position The National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM) and the National Council of Teachersof Mathematics (NCTM) recognize the importance of addressing STEM felds (science, technology,engineering, and mathematics) in PK–12 education and affrm the…

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STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education is currently a very popular topic, with many educators and schools are attempting to jump on the bandwagon. There are some misunderstandings regarding STEM, as there are currently not universal standards or specific curriculum. Many schools will offer their traditional science and mathematics courses, throw in some technology,…

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Successful Classroom Instruction

A person standing in front of the students sitting and raising their hands

“It is the job of teachers and schools to create work that students will want to do so that they will learn the things we want them to learn.†Dr. Philip Schlechty QUALITY # 1 – CONTENT & SUBSTANCE Learning to read and to write complete sentences, for example, is not the same as learning…

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Nine Ways Technology Can Boost STEM Learning

People sitting in front of laptops

Across the nation, innovative programs are preparing students to enter the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. These subjects, often called STEM, can open up new pathways to success in the 21st century workforce and also means new opportunities for students and teachers alike. Technology can play an important role in the STEM learning…

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