4th Grade Science

Standards - Scope and Sequence

Unit 1
We Are Scientists! (2 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

4.1A (P)  Demonstrate safe practices and the use of safety equipment as described in the Texas Education Agency-approved safety standards during classroom and outdoor investigations using safety equipment, including safety goggles or chemical splash goggles as appropriate, and gloves, as appropriate.

4.2A (P) Plan and implement descriptive investigations, including asking well-defined questions, making inferences, and selecting and using appropriate equipment or technology to answer his/her questions.

4.2B (P) Collect and record data by observing and measuring, using the metric system, and using descriptive words and numerals such as labeled drawings, writing, and concept maps.

4.2C (P) Construct simple tables, charts, bar graphs, and maps using tools and current technology to organize, examine, and evaluate data.

4.2F (P) Communicate valid, oral, and written results supported by data.

4.3C (P) Connect grade-level appropriate science concepts with the history of science, science careers, and contributions of scientists.

4.4A (P) collect information using tools, including computing devices, hand lenses, primary balances,  cups, bowls, magnets, collecting nets, and notebooks; timing devices; non‐standard measuring  items; weather instruments such as demonstration thermometers; and materials to support  observations of habitats of organisms such as terrariums and aquariums

Students will:

  • know how to be safe and utilize materials appropriately.
  • learn how to collect, record, and analyze information using various tools and materials to conduct investigations
  • plan and implement investigations
  • record, and analyze data collected in tables, charts, and graphs.
  • understand how concepts are connected to the history of science, scientists, and science careers
  • communicate conclusions

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

STEM Connections:

  • Skype a Scientist!
Unit 2
What’s the Matter? (4 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

4.5A* (R)  measure, compare, and contrast physical properties of matter, including mass,  volume, states (solid, liquid, and gas), temperature, magnetism, and the ability to  sink or float

4.5B*  (S) compare and contrast a variety of mixtures, including solutions

Process Standards: 4.2B, 4.4A, 4.2D, 4.2A, 4.3B

Students will:

  • investigate physical properties of objects
  • investigate mixtures and solutions


  • buoyancy
  • mass*
  • volume*
  • dissolve*
  • solution*

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Have students use the triple beam balance to measure, compare, and contrast various objects.
  • Experiment how different types of matter will change due to heat
  • Give examples of mixtures and solutions and have students determine if they can be separated or maintain their physical properties

STEM Connections:

  • Critical Thinking: Investigate the science of popcorn and how it relates to the states of matter
Unit 3
Exploring Energy (4 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

4.6A* (R)  differentiate among forms of energy, including mechanical, sound, electrical, light,  and thermal

4.6B* (S) differentiate between conductors and insulators of thermal and electrical energy

4.6C* (S) demonstrate that electricity travels in a closed path, creating an electrical circuit

Process Standards: 4.2A, 4.4A, 4.2C, 4.2D, 4.3B

Students will:

  • understand the different forms of energy
  • understand the difference between conductors and insulators
  • understand that energy flows in a closed path through electrical circuits


  • electrical energy*
  • battery
  • closed circuit*
  • conductor*
  • electrical circuit*
  • electricity*
  • insulator*
  • open circuit*
  • path
  • switch

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Students build circuits
  • Students experiment with different materials to determine if they are conductors or insulators, use the Vernier temperature probes.

STEM Connections:

  • Critical Thinking: Have students research a scientist that studies electricity, their discoveries, tools they use, and how they could help them today.
Unit 4
Force, Motion, and Energy (5 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

4.6D* (S) design a descriptive investigation to explore the effect of force on an object such as a push or  a pull, gravity, friction, or magnetism

Process Standards: 4.2A, 4.4A, 4.2C, 4.2D, 4.3B

Students will:

  • investigate the effects of forces on objects


  • friction

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Explore and explain the different forces that happen on the playground
  • Use Vernier magnetic field sensor as you conduct experiments with magnetism and its effects on an object.

STEM Connections:

  • Critical Thinking & Creativity: Create a new ride for a carnival or theme park.
Unit 5
Weather and Seasons (3 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

4.8A^ (R) measure, record, and predict changes in weather 

4.8B^ (S)  describe and illustrate the continuous movement of water above and on the surface of Earth  through the water cycle and explain the role of the Sun as a major source of energy in this process 

Process Standards: 4.2A, 4.4A, 4.2B, 4.2D, 4.3B

Students will:

  • measure, record, and predict changes in weather
  • understand the water cycle and how the Sun is a part of the process


  • anemometer
  • forecast
  • cycle
  • accumulation*
  • runoff*
  • solar energy
  • water cycle*

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Students measure, record, research and predict the weather,
  • Give students a picture of an ocean, a rain cloud, and an iceberg, and have them write about where they fall in the water cycle and what is the next step in the process.
  • Determine and explain what would happen if the Sun was removed from the water cycle and what effects that could have on our lives.

STEM Connections:

  • Critical Thinking & Creativity: Research meteorologists, write a script as a news anchor, and record the weather report.
Unit 6
Objects in the Sky (3 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

4.8C^ (S) collect and analyze data to identify sequences and predict patterns of change in shadows,  seasons, and the observable appearance of the Moon over time

Process Standards: 4.2A, 4.4A, 4.2B, 4.2D, 4.3B

Students will:

  • understand that there are predictable patterns of change in shadows, seasons, and the Moon over time


  • cycle
  • lunar cycle
  • sequence

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Track and record the Moon phases and predict next phases.
  • Track and record shadows outside throughout the day and analyze the patterns.
  • Model tilt of Earth around the Sun to observe why we have seasons.

STEM Connections:

  • Creativity: Write and create a Moon report using the green screen or write and illustrate a book for younger students to learn about the phases of the Moon.
Unit 7
Earth’s Natural Resources (6 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

4.7A^ (R) examine properties of soils, including color and texture, capacity to retain water,  and ability to support the growth of plants

4.7C^  (R) identify and classify Earth's renewable resources, including air, plants, water, and animals, and nonrenewable resources, including coal, oil, and natural gas, and the  importance of conservation

4.7B  (S) observe and identify slow changes to Earth's surface caused by weathering, erosion, and  deposition from water, wind, and ice

Process Standards:  4.2A, 4.4A, 4.2D, 4.3B

Students will:

  • explore and explain the properties of soils and how they help support the growth of plants
  • identify nonrenewable resources and their characteristics and the importance of conservation
  • understand how slow changes affect the Earth’s surface


  • clay*
  • humus
  • loam*
  • silt*
  • topsoil
  • coal
  • natural gas*
  • nonrenewable resources*
  • petroleum/oil*
  • renewable resources* (air, water, plants,  animals)
  • delta
  • deposition*
  • erosion*
  • glacier
  • landform
  • sediment*
  • slow change

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Collect and experiment with different types of soils from the school and from student homes.
  • Card sort on renewable and nonrenewable natural resources
  • Research and explain coal, oil, and natural gas, and why it is important to conserve these resources
  • Use stream tables to model erosion and deposition

STEM Connections:

Unit 8
Living and Nonliving (2 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

4.9B* (R) describe the flow of energy through food webs, beginning with the Sun, and  predict how changes in the ecosystem affect the food web

4.9A* (S) investigate that most producers need sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to make their own food, while consumers are dependent on other organisms for food

Process Standards: 4.2A, 4.4A, 4.2D, 4.3B

Students will:

  • describe the flow of energy in a food web and predict how changes in the ecosystem would affect the food web
  • understand the difference between the needs of producers and consumers


  • carbon dioxide
  • carnivore
  • flow of energy
  • food web
  • herbivore
  • omnivore
  • photosynthesis
  • predator
  • prey

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.


STEM Connections:

  • Your school has an upcoming Science Night. Create a video commercial for the community that will tell them what to expect.  Include what you learned about producers, consumers, and food webs.
Unit 9
Plants (3 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

4.10A* (R) explore how structures and functions enable organisms to survive in their  environment

4.10B* (S) explore and describe examples of traits that are inherited from parents to offspring such as  eye color and shapes of leaves and behaviors that are learned such as reading a book and a  wolf pack teaching their pups to hunt effectively

4.10C* (S) explore, illustrate, and compare life cycles in living organisms such as beetles, crickets,  radishes, or lima beans

Process Standards: 4.2A, 4.4A, 4.2D, 4.3B

Students will:

  • explore structures and functions of organisms help them survive
  • describe examples of inherited and learned traits
  • understand the orderly changes of living organisms in their life cycles


  • adaptation
  • camouflage
  • defense
  • mimicry
  • predator
  • prey
  • protection
  • heredity
  • learned behavior*
  • germinate
  • radish

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • View the video on adaptations from KLRN. Create a presentation that describes the structures and functions of the camel, squid, or big cat and how they help them survive in their environment.
  • Students work in partners to make a T Chart and brainstorm inherited traits and learned behaviors that they each have as individuals.

STEM Connections:

  • Critical Thinking: Students can choose a famous family and research 3-4 generations to determine inherited traits that they had such as height, hair color, eye color, skin color, etc.