3rd Grade Science

Standards - Scope and Sequence

Unit 1
We Are Scientists! (2 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

3.1A (P) Demonstrate safe practices as described in Texas Education Agency-approved safety standards during classroom and outdoor investigations using safety equipment as appropriate, including safety goggles or chemical splash goggles, as appropriate, and gloves.

3.2B (P) Collect and record data by observing and measuring using the metric system and recognize differences between observed and measured data.

3.2C (P) Construct maps, graphic organizers, simple tables, charts, and bar graphs using tools and current technology to organize, examine, and evaluate measured data.

3.4A (P)  Collect, record, and analyze information using tools, including cameras, computers, hand lenses, metric rulers, Celsius thermometers, wind vanes, rain gauges, pan balances, graduated cylinders, beakers, spring scales, hot plates, meter sticks, magnets, collecting nets, notebooks, and Sun, Earth, and Moon system models; timing devices, and materials to support the observation of habitats of organisms such as terrariums and aquariums

Students will:

  • know how to be safe and utilize materials appropriately.
  • learn how to collect information using various tools and materials, and safely conduct investigations
  • plan and implement investigations
  • record, and analyze data collected in tables, charts, and graphs.

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Discuss Science Safety using scenarios
  • Introduce Scientific Method
  • Plan and implement an experiment to find the best paper to make an airplane fly the furthest
  • Have science stations with activity cards with students to use various tools and equipment.

STEM Connections:

  • Skype a Scientist!
Unit 2
What’s the Matter? (4 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

3.5A* (R) measure, test, and record physical properties of matter, including  temperature, mass, magnetism, and the ability to sink or float

3.5B (S) describe and classify samples of matter as solids, liquids, and gases and demonstrate that solids have a  definite shape and that liquids and gases take the shape of their container

3.5C^  (S) predict, observe, and record changes in the state of matter caused by heating or cooling such as ice  becoming liquid water, condensation forming on the outside of a glass of ice water, or liquid water  being heated to the point of becoming water vapor

3.5D (S)  explore and recognize that a mixture is created when two materials are combined such as gravel and  sand or metal and plastic paper clips

Process Standards: 3.2B, 3.4A, 3.2D, 3.2A

Students will:

  • investigate physical properties of objects
  • understand that solids, liquids, and gases have physical properties that give matter a definite shape and allow liquids and solids to take shape of a container
  • understand that temperature can cause changes to states of matter
  • explore combining two materials to create mixtures


  • Celsius (C)
  • condensation*
  • Fahrenheit (F)
  • states of matter* (solid, liquid, gas)
  • water vapor*
  • mixture

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Given various materials, students will sort based on the physical properties that they determine are similar
  • Students can sort different cards as solids, liquids, and gases
  • Create mixtures by using snack items (pretzels, marshmallows, candy, etc)

STEM Connections:

  • Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration: Have groups of students determine their weight on other planets, how it differs from our mass, then create a presentation to share
Unit 3
Exploring Energy (4 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

3.6A*  (R) explore different forms of energy, including mechanical, light, sound,  and thermal in everyday life

Process Standards: 3.2A, 3.4A, 3.2D, 3.2F

Students will:

  • explore how different forms of energy help us in everyday life


  • mechanical energy

  • Activity Ideas:
    STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

    • Walk through the school building and identify the different types of energy that they see

    STEM Connections:

    • Communication: Write a letter to your family to explain to them how to conserve different types of energy in their home
    Unit 4
    Force, Motion, and Energy (5 Weeks)


    (P) = Processing Standard
    (R) = Readiness Standard
    (S) = Supporting Standard
    * = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

    3.6B^ (S) demonstrate and observe how position and motion can be changed by pushing and pulling objects such as swings, balls, and wagons

    3.6C* (S) observe forces such as magnetism and gravity acting on objects

    Process Standards: 3.2A, 3.4A, 3.2D, 3.2F

    Students will:

    • understand that pushing and pulling objects change the position of objects
    • explore magnetism and gravity as forces and their effect on objects


    • repel
    • gravity

    Activity Ideas:
    STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

    • Investigate push/pull with pulleys
    • Discover how magnets have a push and a pull, and how they can move an object such as a paperclip, pencil, or cup
    • Use the Vernier magnetic field sensor to test the strength of different magnets and the effects on objects.

    STEM Connections:

    • Critical Thinking: Research what magnetism looks like in some types of rocks
    • Creativity: Design their own game that involves using magnets
    Unit 5
    Weather and Seasons (3 Weeks)


    (P) = Processing Standard
    (R) = Readiness Standard
    (S) = Supporting Standard
    * = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

    3.8A* (S) observe, measure, record, and compare day‐to‐day weather changes in different locations at the same  time that include air temperature, wind direction, and precipitation

    Process Standards: 3.2A, 3.4A, 3.2D, 3.3B

    Students will:

    • understand that weather conditions change throughout the day and are different in various locations


    • wind vane

    Activity Ideas:
    STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

    • Track and record weather conditions in different areas and make comparisons

    STEM Connections:

    • Critical Thinking: Integrate math by making a graph that shows the precipitation and temperature in their area and analyzing patterns
    Unit 6
    Objects in the Sky (3 Weeks)


    (P) = Processing Standard
    (R) = Readiness Standard
    (S) = Supporting Standard
    * = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

    3.8B*  (R) describe and illustrate the Sun as a star composed of gases that provides light and thermal energy

    3.8D^  (R) identify the planets in Earth’s solar system and their position in  relation to the Sun

    3.8C* (S)  construct models that demonstrate the relationship of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, including orbits and  positions

    Process Standards: 3.2A, 3.4A, 3.2D, 3.3B

    Students will:

    • understand the Sun is a star and will observe, describe, and illustrate
    • know the position of the planets in our solar system in relation to the Sun
    • create models of the solar system including the Sun, Earth, and Moon


    • inner planet
    • model*
    • orbit*
    • outer planet*
    • planet* (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)  relationship
    • solar system*

    Activity Ideas:
    STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

    • Research and report what the Sun is made from and what its function is. Draw and label a picture.
    • Create a model of the solar system with the Sun
    • National Geographic video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=libKVRa01L8

    STEM Connections:

    • Communication: Write a story about traveling to each of the planets and what you saw on your trip.
    Unit 7
    Earth’s Natural Resources (6 Weeks)


    (P) = Processing Standard
    (R) = Readiness Standard
    (S) = Supporting Standard
    * = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

    3.7A* (R) explore and record how soils are formed by weathering of rock and  the decomposition of plant and animal remains

    3.7B^ (S) investigate rapid changes in the Earth’s surface such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides 

    3.7C (S) explore the characteristics of natural resources that make them useful in products and materials such  as clothing and furniture and how resources may be conserved 

    Process Standards:  3.2A, 3.4A, 3.2D, 3.3B

    Students will:

    • explore and explain how soils are formed
    • understand that rapid changes affect the Earth’s surface
    • understand the characteristics of natural resources, how they are used, and how they can be conserved


    • decomposition
    • soil formation
    • weathering
    • earthquake*
    • erupt
    • landslide*
    • volcano*

    Activity Ideas:
    STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

    • Model weathering by rubbing two rocks together and explaining the changes that are observed.
    • As students research rapid changes, make connections to the Force, Motion, and Energy unit.
    • Make a list of all the products and materials that were made from natural resources.

    STEM Connections:

    • Critical Thinking, Creativity: Research one product that uses natural resources to be made. Brainstorm ways that the product could be replaced or made in a different way so that specific natural resource could be conserved.
    • Critical Thinking, Creativity: Create a front-page article for a local newspaper about a natural disaster that occurred.
    Unit 8
    Living and Nonliving (2 Weeks)


    (P) = Processing Standard
    (R) = Readiness Standard
    (S) = Supporting Standard
    * = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

    3.9A^ (R)  observe and describe the physical characteristics of environments and how they support populations and communities of plants and animals  within an ecosystem

    3.9B* (S)  identify and describe the flow of energy in a food chain and predict how changes in a food chain affect  the ecosystem such as removal of frogs from a pond or bees from a field

    3.9C (S) describe environmental changes such as floods and droughts where some organisms thrive and others  perish or move to new locations

    Process Standards: 3.2A, 3.4A, 3.2D, 3.3B

    Students will:

    • describe the physical characteristics of environments and how they support an ecosystem
    • understand and describe the flow of energy in a food chain and predict how changes affect the ecosystem
    • understand how floods and droughts affect organisms living in those environments


    • community
    • drought
    • ecosystem
    • environment
    • environmental change
    • flood
    • perish
    • population
    • species
    • thrive
    • community
    • decomposer
    • population

    Activity Ideas:
    STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

    STEM Connections:

    Unit 9
    Plants (3 Weeks)


    (P) = Processing Standard
    (R) = Readiness Standard
    (S) = Supporting Standard
    * = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

    3.10A* (R) explore how structures and functions of plants and animals allow  them to survive in a particular environment

    3.10B^ (S) investigate and compare how animals and plants undergo a series of orderly changes in their diverse  life cycles such as tomato plants, frogs, and lady beetles

    Process Standards: 3.2A, 3.4A, 3.2D, 3.3B

    Students will:

    • explore structures and functions of plants and animals and how they help them survive
    • understand the orderly changes of plants and animals in their life cycles


    • function
    • structure
    • survive
    • complete metamorphosis
    • froglet*
    • incomplete metamorphosis
    • lady beetle
    • metamorphosis stage*
    • tadpole*

    Activity Ideas:
    STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

    • Choose any animal and explain how it’s structures help it to survive in the environment.
    • Lima bean experiment and record, write about observations.
    • Compare two animals and compare/contrast, label, and explain their changes.

    STEM Connections: