1st Grade Science

Standards - Scope and Sequence

Unit 1
We Are Scientists! (2 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

1.3C (P) Describe what scientists do.

1.1A (P) identify, discuss, and demonstrate safe and healthy practices as outlined in Texas Education Agency‐approved safety standards during classroom and outdoor investigations, including wearing safety goggles or chemical splash goggles, as appropriate, washing hands, and using materials appropriately

1.4A (P) Collect, record, and compare information using tools, including computers, hand lenses, primary balances, cups, bowls, magnets, collecting nets, notebooks, and safety goggles or chemical splash goggles, as appropriate; timing devices; nonstandard measuring items; weather instruments such as demonstration thermometers and windsocks; and materials to support observations of habitats of organisms such as aquariums and terrariums

Additional Process Standards: K.2B, K.2D, K.2E

Students will:

  • Understand that a scientist’s job is to make sense out of the natural world and describe the things around us.
  • Learn how to collect information using various tools and materials, and safely conduct investigations.

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Set up a science journal and have students draw a picture of a scientist
  • Let them explore science tools and have them draw in their science journal
  • Explore the different tools and safety equipment that different scientists use
  • Have them practice safety during their own investigation
  • Explore their Five Senses
  • Introduce Science contracts

STEM Connections:

  • Introduce different careers like a Doctor, Zoologist, Architect, Marine Biologist, Meteorologist, Botanist, Astronomer, Entomologist,Volcanologist, Paleontologist, Astronomer, Archaeologist, etc.
  • Communication: Have them write about, then talk and listen to their peers about their favorite scientist and why.
Unit 2
What’s the Matter? (4 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

1.5A* (R) classify objects by observable properties such as larger and smaller, heavier and lighter, shape, color, and texture

1.5B* (S) predict and identify changes in materials caused by heating and cooling

1.5C* (S) classify objects by the materials from which they are made

Process Standards: 1.2B, 1.4A, 1.2C, 1.2D, 1.2E

Students will:

  • Know and understand that objects have properties and patterns
  • Know that materials change with different temperatures
  • Classify objects by their characteristics


  • Larger

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Given various materials, students will sort based on the physical properties that they determine are similar
  • Ice Art - Put food coloring in water, pour in ice trays, have students predict what will happen to the water, draw pictures. Put ice on a white piece of paper and let melt and dry.

STEM Connections:

  • Critical Thinking: Have students find other examples of freezing or melting in their home or at school.
Unit 3
Exploring Energy (4 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

1.6A* (R) identify and discuss how different forms of energy such as light, thermal, and sound are important to everyday life

Process Standards: 1.2B, 1.4A, 1.2D, 1.2E

Students will:

  • Understand that energy is used in different ways and has an importance in everyday life.


  • Energy
  • Light Energy
  • Sound Energy
  • Thermal Energy

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Make a chart with 3 columns, have students draw a picture of all the types of light (Sun, light bulb, fireworks, firefly, etc.), heat (blow dryer, heater, etc), and sound (doors closing, firetruck, etc) that they notice each day.

STEM Connections:

  • Creativity: Students create their own instrument in the makerspace.
Unit 4
Force, Motion, and Energy (5 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

1.6B* (S) predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push or pull an object

1.6C (S) demonstrate and record the ways that objects can move such as in a straight line, zig zag, up and down, back and forth, round and round, and fast and slow

Process Standards: 1.2B, 1.4A, 1.2C, 1.2D, 1.2E

Students will:

  • Understand that magnets interact differently with different types of materials
  • Understand that the position of objects change in relation to other objects, and objects move in many ways


  • Force
  • Magnetism
  • Push

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Give students materials and have them sort them as magnetic and on a T-Chart on a big piece of paper.
  • Have students demonstrate a push and pull,
  • Go on a classroom scavenger hunt to find things that can be pushed or pulled with a magnet.
  • As a group, have students talk about ways that people, animals or objects move in a straight line, up and down, etc.
  • Use Vernier Motion Detector to let a student walk and have class discuss or label where it was a straight line, zig zag, etc.

STEM Connections:

  • Critical Thinking & Creativity: Let students write their sight words on a Magna Doodle and see if they can explain how it works.
  • Books:
    Motion: Push and Pull, Fast and Slow by Darlene Stille
Unit 5
Weather and Seasons (3 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

1.8A* (R) observe and describe weather changes from day to day and over seasons

1.8C* (S) identify characteristics of the seasons of the year and day and night

1.8D (S) demonstrate that air is all around us and observe that wind is moving air

Process Standards: 1.2B, 1.4A, 1.2C, 1.2D, 1.2E,1.3B

Students will:

  • Understand that there are changes in our natural world and weather conditions change throughout the day, from day to day, and from season to season.
  • Record and describe weather changes
  • Investigate movement of air to make wind


  • Year
  • Air
  • Icy
  • Precipitation
  • Relative Temperature

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Observe the weather each day in a weekly weather graph. Learn about different types of clouds, rain, snow, and the Sun. Explore how to use a thermometer to measure temperature.
  • Draw a picture of the weather in each season.
  • Discuss the different characteristics of each season; day and night.
  • Go on a wind walk.

STEM Connections:

Unit 6
Objects in the Sky (3 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

1.8B* (R) observe and record changes in the appearance of objects in the sky such as the Moon and stars, including the Sun

Process Standards: 1.2B, 1.4A, 1.2C, 1.2D, 1.2E, 1.3B

Students will:

  • Observe, describe, and illustrate objects found in the sky including stars, Moon, and Sun


  • Appearance

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Have students observe and draw the moon in their science journal.
  • Use a star projector and a flashlight to model why we can’t see stars at night.

STEM Connections:

Unit 7
Earth’s Natural Resources (6 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

1.7A (R) observe, compare, describe, and sort components of soil by size, texture, and color

1.7B (S) identify and describe a variety of natural sources of water, including streams, lakes, and oceans

1.7C (S) identify how rocks, soil, and water are used to make products

Process Standards: 1.1B, 1.2B, 1.4A, 1.2D,1K.2E,

Students will:

  • Explore and compare different materials found on our Earth
  • Know that there are different forms of natural water sources
  • Describe how natural resources are used to make things we need


  • Component
  • Products

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Create a graph with size, texture, and color as categories. Have students describe three different types of soil and record on the graph.

STEM Connections:

  • Critical Thinking: Have students collect soil from their home, and challenge families to get out to discover their local parks. Bring the samples to school and let students show their friends and compare what they found.
Unit 8
Living and Nonliving (2 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

1.9A (S) sort and classify living and nonliving things based upon whether they have basic needs and produce offspring

Process Standards: 1.2B, 1.4A, 1.2D, 1.2E, 1.3A

Students will:

  • Explain the difference in living and nonliving things


  • Reproduce

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Students go through old magazines and cut out living and nonliving things and glue on paper.
  • As a class, have students brainstorm what basic needs that plants and animals require to stay alive.

STEM Connections:

  • Critical Thinking & Collaboration: Have students work with their group to identify living and nonliving things around their school and on the playground.
Unit 9
Plants (3 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

1.9C* (R) gather evidence of interdependence among living organisms such as energy transfer through food chains or animals using plants for shelter

1.9B (S) analyze and record examples of interdependence found in various situations such as terrariums and aquariums or pet and caregiver

1.10B (S) identify and compare the parts of plants

Process Standards: 1.2B, 1.4A, 1.2D, 1.2E, 1.3A

Students will:

  • Investigate living organisms and understand that there is a natural transfer of energy from plants and animals
  • Investigate terrariums and aquariums and understand how they need each other to survive
  • Explain the parts of plants


  • Aquarium
  • Care Giver
  • Depend
  • Energy Transfer
  • Food Chain
  • Habitat
  • Interdependence
  • Terrarium

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Find the order of a food chain puzzle.
  • Observe an aquarium and build a terrarium to have students make and record observations about the ecosystems. Discuss how plants and animals need each other.
  • Have students draw and label the parts of a plant in their science journal.

STEM Connections:

  • Books:
    The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
  • Creativity: Have students create a dance to explain how water moves from the ground up the plant.
Unit 10
Animals (3 Weeks)


(P) = Processing Standard
(R) = Readiness Standard
(S) = Supporting Standard
* = Aligned with STAAR Assessed Curriculum at Grade 5

1.10A* (R) investigate how the external characteristics of an animal are related to where it lives, how it moves, and what it eats

1.10D* (R) observe and record life cycles of animals such as a chicken, frog, or fish

1.10C* (S) compare ways that young animals resemble their parents

Process Standards: 1.2B, 1.4A, 1.2D, 1.2E, 1.3A

Students will:

  • Understand that animals have characteristics that help them survive in their environment.
  • Investigate the life cycles of animals
  • Understand that young animals get their characteristics from their parents


  • External characteristic
  • Animal life cycle
  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Frog

Activity Ideas:
STEM Connections are based on the 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking), integration of content between disciplines, and connections to real-world.

  • Give pictures of various animals to students. Have them record what characteristics the animals have. Discuss why they think those characteristics are important to where it lives, moves and eats.
  • Have students look at those same animals along with pictures of their babies. What characteristics are the same as their parents?

STEM Connections:

  • Research the life cycle of a chicken, let students draw and write about what they think the baby chick looks like inside the egg.